Jovees Sandal Saffron and Honey Anti-Ageing Face Mask


or up to 4 X Rs622.50 - Rs1841.25 with Payzy Payzy

Get your skin back to its prime years with this time-tested Ayurvedic formulation. It contains natural extracts of sandalwood, saffron, honey, and almond that gently mitigate and remove fine lines by accelerating the cell renewal process. It prevents signs of damage and leaves the skin radiant and youthful.

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Product Description

Cleanse your face with a face wash and pat dry.
Squeeze out a walnut-sized amount of the face pack on your palm or in a container.
Apply a thick layer on your face and neck and leave it on for 20 minutes.
Rinse thoroughly with plain water. Pat dry and follow it up with a moisturiser.


The antiseptic, astringent, and anti-inflammatory properties of sandalwood help in removing suntan, acne, blackheads, and dark spots, while adding a moisturising effect.

Saffron is truly a precious and multi-tasking ingredient. It fights acne, reduces pigmentation, lightens scars, removes suntan, evens the skin tone, and tightens the pores.

Honey opens up the skin’s pores and deeply cleanses oil, dirt, and blackheads, while maintaining your skin’s ideal moisture levels.


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